
Standard stocks have three possible finishes:

Uncoated, which has a finished feeling slightly smoother than standard photocopy paper

Silk (also called Satin) coated, which is smoother but with a dull, or barely shiny finish

Gloss coated, which is smooth and with a glossy finish, not unlike the text of a glossy magazine

         Coated stocks are smoother, and show richer, more vibrant colour. Coated paper is more resistant to dirt, moisture, and wear. It also makes the printed material to appear lustrous. That is why it is generally used in the printing of magazines, book covers, glossy photos and art books.

         Uncoated stocks are easy to write on and are generally what you'd select for stationery. The lighter weights of 90 - 100 gsm are budget stocks, and are usually what's used for the text pages of booklets and similar. Heavier weights of 120 - 300 gsm are designed especially for the digital printer, and have excellent colour reproduction and writeability.

We use paper weights ranging from 90 - 300 gsm (grams per square metre). As a comparison, standard uncoated laser printer paper is generally 80gsm. 


90 – 100 gsm
Commonly used for stationery items i.e. Letterheads, With Comp Slips & Envelopes. This is also suitable for text pages in Booklets & Magazines. Sometimes this gsm can be used for flyers or brochures to make pricing more economical.
115 – 170 gsm

The standard for Flyers, Brochures, Posters, Wall Planners/Calendars. Can also be used for text pages in Booklets & Magazines, for that more upmarket feel.

200 – 250 gsm

Great for Booklets & Magazine covers. Also, ideal for Flyers, for when you want to use that stock that is a little thicker than standard.

300 gsm

Perfect for Business Cards, also suitable for Flyers, Promo Cards & Invitations.

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